Belcastel Space Consulting

Launch Services Expertise

Belcastel Space Consulting - Experience

   A Unique International Resume

James Youdale
International Consultant

President (2019-Present)

Educated in France. Has spent 15 years in the United States

Graduate engineer (1977) of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’espace (ENSAe or Sup’Aéro), the top French Aeronautics engineering school.

Possesses 40+ years of national and international experience in technical management, marketing and sales in the satellite and launch vehicle arenas.

International consultant since 2019

Thales Alenia Space (formerly Aérospatiale)

10 Years (1978-1988)

Commercial Directorate

Business Development
  •  Solar Array Engineering
Arabsat Program Office:
  • Systems Engineer
  • Arabsat 1A Manager (including Ariane V12 launch campaign)
  • PAM-D Interfaces
Infra Red Space Observatory
  • Payload Module Manager
  • ESA proposals

Arianespace S.A. & Arianespace Inc.

10 Years (1988-1999)

Commercial Directorate

Mission Manager 
  • European,
  • American,
  • Japanese and
  • Institutional Customers
Director of Engineering at Arianespace Inc. (Washington DC)
Vice-President, Programs
  • Mission Management
  • Launch manifest
  • Marketing & Sales support

ILS International Launch Services Inc. & ILS Europe

19 years (2000-2018)

Vice President, Programs
  • Realigned Mission Management to be Customer-centric, rather than launcher or platform based
Account Executive
  •  Lead Sales Executive for  European & Middle East Customers
  • Averaged more than two launch contracts per year over 14 years
Managing Director (ILS Europe)
  •  Multi-launch agreements with three European customers
Years of Experience
Launch Contracts

Belcastel Space Consulting - Areas of Expertise

  A Unique Skillset

Technical and Operations

Familiar with Ariane 4/5, Proton and Atlas II/III/V  launch systems, launch vehicles and launch sites.

  •  Ariane V12 launch campaign as Arabsat-1A Spacecraft Manager (December 1984 – February 1985)
  •  4 years of Mission Management at Arianespace (Ariane 2/3/4; Ten launch campaigns: V31, 36, 39, 41, 42, 49 & 54)
  • 4 years as VP Programs: in charge of Mission Management and technical communications to Customers and active participant to the manifest management committee at Arianespace (Ariane 4/5)
  • 6 years as VP Programs, in charge of Atlas & Proton Mission Management at ILS (Proton Block DM/Breeze M and Atlas II/III/V; multiple campaigns at the Cape and Baikonur).
  • Involved in several customer briefing tours following launch failures and subsequent investigations.

Negotiations and Contracts

Participated in and/or led over 50 Launch Services Agreements negotiations for Arianespace, International Launch Services and United Launch Alliance.

  • Familiar with the specific features of Launch Service Agreements.
    Trusted by Customers and Management alike to elaborate, discuss and strike balanced compromise when needed.
  • Understands the need to foster relationships of trust and openness with Customers and to generally prioritize long-term objectives over short-term gains.
  • Acts as Customers advocate internally when necessary, versus management.
  • Also negotiated dozens of Technical Annexes to Launch Services Agreements for Ariane, Proton and Atlas launch systems;

ITAR and Export Control

Belcastel Space Consulting LLC (BSC) is familiar with Export Control and Brokering rules and regulations.

BSC can apply for Export Control and Brokering licenses to  the US Department of State (DDTC).

BSC has been granted Export Control and Brokering licenses by DDTC for its current consulting role:

  • BSC has developed an Export Control Plan (ECP).
  • BSC receives Export Control related annual training.
  • BSC maintains appropriate records to ensure compliance with ITAR, US Export Control Laws and the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Customer Friendly

Belcastel Space Consulting LLC (BSC) is incorporated in Delaware, with a wholly owned French subsidiary, Belcastel Space Consulting Europe SARL.

BSC provides the easiest, most flexible and cheapest way to secure instant local presence in Europe.

This is the ideal intermediate step for a US company intending to develop its presence in Europe without committing outright to the necessary long-term investments required by a local subsidiary.

BSC President, a dual American/French citizen, has been interacting with European and worldwide Customers for over 40 years and is widely respected in the industry.

Contact me !

Proton Launch Site – Baikonur – Kazakhstan

Cape Canaveral Launch Site – Florida – USA

Ariane Launch Site (80s) – French Guiana – EU